At Large Board Positions
2 Year Term Unless Otherwise Noted
At-Large is a designation for members of a governing body who are elected or appointed to represent the whole membership of the body (in this case, the entire AIS), rather than a subset of that membership. At-large voting is in contrast to voting by districts.
1. Calls and presides over all Service Board meetings and AIS/ISR meetings, sets the year’s calendar, and prepares each meeting’s agenda.
2. For board meetings, emails the agenda and invitation link to board members, office manager and webmaster one week before the meeting. For ISR meetings, emails the agenda to the secretary who distributes the agenda, invitation link, and any reports to ISRs and Board members one week before the meeting.
3. Ensures that Corporation documents are prepared and submitted on time.
4. With the Treasurer, ensures that all tax-related documents (i.e., nonprofit income tax return, PA sales tax exempt status requests/renewals, Federal 1099s) are prepared and submitted on time.
5. Along with the Treasurer or Secretary, co-signs checks or electronic fund distributions approved by the Service Board.
6. Secures a current list of the PA AWSC Committee from the AWSC Liaison for Board and office reference.
7. Appoints, with majority approval of the Service Board, a liaison from the Board to the Fall Workshop, Service Workshop, and Banquet Committees.
8. Establishes, with majority approval of the Service Board, any temporary Special Committees.
9. Becomes familiar with AIS By-Laws, Board Job Descriptions and Service Manual guidelines, maintains Chairperson’s position folder, and mentors the next Chairperson.
Note: ISR meetings are held in February, May, August, and November, the annual election meeting. AIS meetings are typically held the month prior to each ISR meeting, in January, April, July, and October, as well as December.
Two-Year Commitment: 1st year as Chairperson Elect, 2nd year as Chairperson
1. Schedules and attends all AIS and ISR meetings and gives reports.
2. Assists Chairperson at all AIS meetings and officiates in the Chairperson’s absence.
3. When meeting in-person, acts as contact person with meeting place personnel, arranges for equipment, and works with board members to coordinate tables for registration, meeting lists, copies of minutes, etc.
4. When meeting virtually, serves as the Zoom host and maintains the video conferencing account.
5. Prepares a year-end summary of voted decisions and proposed issues, accessible to incoming Board and ISRs.
6. Becomes familiar with AIS By-Laws, Board Job Descriptions, and Service Manual guidelines, maintains the position’s folder, mentors the next Chairperson Elect, and assists Board with other duties, as needed.
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings, conducts roll call to determine quorum at ISR meetings, and takes minutes.
2. Emails typed minutes for Board review within two weeks of meetings, makes corrections as received from Board Members, and then distributes a final in PDF format to all Board members and groups requesting minutes.
3. Sends email meeting invitations to ISRs, as well as minutes, agendas, and other documents requested by Board members.
4. Works with Key Editor to get updated list of registered ISRs/alternate ISRs with current mailing and email addresses and phone numbers.
5. Serves as contact for the PA Group Records Coordinator, emailing new GR1 forms.
6. Provides second signature to checks written by the Treasurer, if any, and mails these in the addressed envelope provided by the Treasurer and a second authorization for funds disbursed electronically (reviews all screen shots provided by Treasurer for such payments).
7. Maintains an electronic folder of correspondence mailed to ISRs, a permanent file of approved minutes, agendas, and AIS Board written reports.
8. Completes expense report along with receipts and submits to the Treasurer for reimbursement.
9. Becomes familiar with AIS By-Laws and Service Manual guidelines and mentors next Secretary.
Notes: Minutes consist of date, time and place of meeting, board members present, number of ISRs present, whether a quorum was reached, what motions were made and whether passed, action taken, reports from AIS Board members, and number of votes cast for each nominee at Annual Election.
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings, gives reports, and emails a PDF copy of reports to the Archivist.
2. Distributes copies of financial reports received from accountant and keeps a list of any questions that need to be researched.
3. Brings checkbook to AIS Board meetings for Board members to see.
4. Schedules quarterly meetings with Finance Committee.
1. Prepares a quarterly financial report (in conjunction with accountant) to be made available to ISRs and the AIS Board.
2. Forms Finance Committee, as needed.
3. Keeps check signature card(s) current. All checks must have two signatures per AIS rules and procedures. At no time is any authorized signatory to affix his or her name to a blank check.
4. Receives bills and expense reports from Board Members and Committee Members at meetings and writes reimbursement checks. Forwards copies of expense reports to accountant.
5. Deposits all checks (group contributions and special appeal contributions) received in the office to the main AIS checking account. Completes a bank deposit slip, along with a Group Contributions form for each deposit, making sure that the group names, district numbers, and group numbers agree with Groups List spreadsheet. On the same form, records and totals other contributions,(i.e., Key subscriptions, fliers, personal contributions) and numbers for each deposit. Makes a copy of all checks and attaches copies of internal office deposit slip and files this in office.
6. Makes a copy of bank deposit slips and group contributions form – DOES NOT include copies of checks – and forwards them to accountant to enter into QuickBooks.
7. Pays all WSO Literature Distribution Center invoices. Completes an expense form, copies invoices, and forwards them to the accountant along with copies of packing slips.
8. Works with Fall Workshop Chairperson and Treasurer each year to add new names to the Fall Workshop checking account, provides Board-Approved seed money for the Workshop account, and balances the Fall Workshop account monthly. Forwards the Workshop bank statements to the Fall Workshop Treasurer each month.
1. Functions as a communications link between the AIS, PA Assembly, and Pennsylvania Area World Service Committee (PA AWSC).
2. Represents the PA AWSC at AIS and ISR meetings, gives reports, and emails a PDF of reports to the AIS Archivist.
3. Represents the AIS at PA AWSC meetings and PA Assembly, providing reports.
4. Participates as a voting member of the PA AWSC and serves on a coordinator committee.
5. Helps to collect and count ballots at Assembly during election year.
6. Submits expense report along with receipts to AIS Treasurer for reimbursement.
7. Becomes familiar with AIS By-Laws and Service Manual guidelines, maintains Liaison folder, mentors the next Liaison, and assists the AIS Board with other duties, as needed.
By District Board Positions
2 Year Term
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings and gives reports.
2. Receives and publishes Al-Anon related announcements in The Key newsletter, including workshops, anniversaries, changes, and general information appropriate for local, state, and national events.
3. Firmly adheres to and communicates Key submission deadline to the membership.
4. Runs draft version of The Key past Board members before finalizing.
5. Distributes a PDF copy of The Key each month to all AIS Board members, Webmaster, and ISRs/designated group contact, and updates mailing list with Secretary input.
6. Completes expense report, with receipts, and submits to Treasurer for reimbursement.
7. Maintains Key Editor’s folder, supplies, and flash drive containing each issue of The Key and the current mailing list.
8. Reviews AIS By-Laws and Service Manual guidelines, and assists Board with other duties, as needed.
9. At end of term, distributes the January Key before turning over all information to the new Key Editor, and assists with transition.
10. Purchases envelopes, labels, stamps, and paper for printing.
11. Send updated ISR spreadsheet to board Chair, Chair-Elect, and Secretary on a monthly basis, after changes have been made.
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings and gives reports.
2. Maintains the updated list of area meetings on a monthly basis.
3. Emails PDF of updated meeting list to the PA website and AIS Board.
4. Verifies meeting information--working with the Key Editor to exchange meeting changes, with DRs to confirm meetings, and with WSO, if necessary, to validate paperwork.
5. Communicates all meeting changes to Webmaster for posting on the website Find a Meeting page.
6. Reminds groups to use the Al-Anon Registration/Group Records Change Form (GR-1) to submit information changes, including new or closed meetings, and location, time, date, or name changes.
7. Arranges for list printing and distribution in time for each in-person ISR meeting.
8. Secures volunteers to assist with the sale and distribution of meeting lists at any in-person ISR meeting.
9. Becomes familiar with AIS By-Laws and Service Manual guidelines and assists Board with other duties, as needed.
10. Completes expense report, with receipts, and submits to Treasurer for reimbursement.
11. Maintains the position folder, returns it to the AIS Office at the end service term, and mentors next Meeting List Chairperson.
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings and gives reports.
2. Helps to fill AIS Board positions by announcing openings through The Key, Fall Workshop, ISR and group meetings, etc., answering questions, and encouraging volunteers to submit the Nominations Profile.
3. Manages file of Nominations Profiles and shares current submissions with Board. Permanent file location is on Google Drive:
4. Ensures AIS website has the most current copy of job descriptions.
5. Becomes familiar with Service Manual guidelines and AIS By-Laws to ensure that all phases of the election process adhere to the guidelines, both for early vacated positions and the Annual Election.
6. Works with Board members and volunteers (if held in person) to conduct the Annual Election.
7. Maintains the position folder, mentors the
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings, gives reports, and keeps a PDF of reports in the archives.
2. Preserves Pittsburgh-area Al-Anon history and legacy, collecting and cataloging information that people can easily access now and in the future.
3. Makes available all individual Group Histories for the ISRs or Group contacts, and any other interested Al-Anon members.
4. Gets a current list of DRs and GRs from the AWSC Liaison and a list of ISR or group contacts from the Secretary.
5. Encourages Board Members, Special and District Committee members, etc., to email their information in PDF format for placement in the digital archives. This includes minutes and reports from Board meetings, Fall Workshop Committee meetings, and AIS Anniversary Banquet Committee meetings, The Key, Meeting List, fliers, and programs for Al-Anon weekends, picnics, workshops, and special events.
6. Sends appropriate archival material to the State Archivist.
7. Reviews AIS By-Laws, Service Manual guidelines, and publication G-30, “For an Area Archives.”
8. Completes expense report, with receipts, and submits to Treasurer for reimbursement.
9. As needed, manages volunteers, assists Board with other duties, maintains Archivist position folder, and mentors next Archivist.
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings, gives reports, and emails a PDF copy to the Archivist.
2. Looks for outreach opportunities, and contributes notices to the AIS website, The Key, and other outlets.
3. Responds to requests from organizations—such as health fairs, professional groups, and institutional meetings—for information about Al-Anon. Provides literature and speakers when requested.
4. Encourages each District to develop and participate in public outreach activities.
5. Maintains a supply of pamphlets and meetings lists and makes these available for public outreach projects and events.
6. Works with LDC/Office Coordinator to order “Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism” and distributes to counseling centers and rehabilitation facilities.
7. Completes expense report along with receipts and submits to Treasurer for reimbursement.
8. Becomes familiar with AIS By-Laws and Service Manual guidelines and assists Board with other duties, as needed.
9. Maintains Public Outreach folder, including contacts and activities, and mentors next Chairperson.
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings, gives reports, and emails a PDF of reports to the Archivist.
2. Communicates with all Alateen sponsors the importance of adhering to WSO and PA 48 Alateen Safety Guidelines and impresses the importance of securing and maintaining WSO requirements.
3. Meets all requirements of Alateen sponsorship as established by the WSO and maintains all clearances, making sure they are kept current.
4. In January, sends a registration form to every registered Alateen Group that is to be filled out and returned within 3 weeks.
5. Ensures that an adult Alateen Coordinator or qualified alternate attends the PA Area Assembly and NOMAAC Conference. (This attendee’s NOMAAC costs will be paid by the AIS of Greater Pittsburgh.)
6. Encourages the development and unity of Alateen groups, scheduling Alateen activities and sponsoring meetings at regular intervals, usually 6 times a year.
7. Forms a committee that ideally consists of a representative from each district and as many other Alateen and Al-Anon members as necessary to conduct the committee’s activities.
8. Maintains contact with the PA State Alateen Coordinator and the Alateen Process Person.
9. Notifies Key Editor and Meeting List Chair of Alateen meeting details and whether it is open to Al-Anon and submits announcements for The Key.
10. Completes expense report along with receipts and submits to Treasurer for reimbursement.
11. Maintains Alateen Coordinator folder, including activities, changes, and list of Alateen groups and sponsors.
12. Reviews AIS By-Laws and Service Manual guidelines, mentors next Alateen Coordinator, and assists Board with other duties, as needed.
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings and gives reports.
2. Acts as a “cheerleader” for short-term Al-Anon service, enlisting member participation for specific needs determined by the AIS board. (Examples could include assisting with public outreach events, the annual picnic, fall workshop, in-person ISR meetings, AIS office or literature distribution center, archiving historical materials, etc.)
3. Secures a list of current ISRs and DRs from Secretary and Liaison to help with volunteer recruitment. For example, develops a volunteer signup sheet and works with ISRs to circulate annually, updating as needed.
4. Reviews AIS By-Laws and Service Manual guidelines and assists Board with other duties, as needed.
5. Keeps a file of volunteer names, email addresses and phone numbers, as well as documentation of any activities, returns it to the AIS Office at the end of the service term, and mentors next Volunteer Facilitator.
1. Attends all AIS and ISR meetings, gives reports, and emails a PDF copy of reports to Archivist.
2. Oversees the TAS to ensure that the phone system is operational and that timely responses are provided for phone and email inquiries.
3. Checks the office voicemail system daily to retrieve messages falling under TAS category and notifying Office Coordinator of their messages.
4. Support of the Webmaster, as needed.
5. Mentors next TAS Chairperson and manages volunteers, as needed.
6. Becomes familiar with AIS By-Laws and Service Manual guidelines and assists Board with other duties, as needed.