An Al-Anon Information Service (AIS) is a local service established and maintained by one or more groups or districts located close enough to one another for easy access and communication. Any local Al-Anon or Alateen group may participate in an information service. An AIS exists to aid the groups it serves in the common purpose of carrying the Al-Anon message to the suffering families and friends of alcoholics.


Pittsburgh AIS

Communication among groups and with potential newcomers is a primary goal, along with providing common services. Eight districts (9,10,11,17,18,25,26,27) in the PA Southwest Sector banded together to provide the following services:

- Order and sell Conference Approved Literature
- Maintain a physical office
- Update and distribute meeting lists
- Maintain website
- Answer telephone inquiries
- Encourage service work
- Public Outreach
- Start meetings in institutions
- Prepare/distribute monthly newsletter (The Key)
- Plan special events: Fall Workshop, Weekend of Sharing, etc
- Chair ISR meetings
- Carry Information to and from the state assembly
- Maintain permanent files
- Record contributions and pay bills

Lake with a tiny bridge and trees